Adrienne Ford will be hosting the show tonight and she has some beautiful tags to share with us! She always has great techniques and ideas to share with us, so be sure to tune in!
Mixed Media Minis with Adrienne Ford
Thursday, September 17th at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET
One of Adrienne’s favorite things to do is just play with mediums on watercolor paper. The brand new Prima Resin Face Flowers inspired her to create an angelic piece with soft colors and add a bit of texture to keep it in line with her personal style! Join Adrienne as she creates fun little projects using Prima art mediums and embellishments, to make little works of art!
Prima Products:
- 583248-Jennie Resin Face Flowers
- 581930-Esperanza Vine
- 581909-Esperanza Vine
- 980269-A4 Watercolor paper Pad
- 962760-Burshes
- 573836-Color Bloom-Tea Stain
- 57867-Color Bloom-Summer Sky
- 580384-Mariposa
- 580377-Farfalla
- 890995-Black Coal
- 962050-Rust
Choo Choo Train Party Décor with Miranda Edney
Thursday, September 24th at 6:30pm ET/ 9:30pm ET
Miranda is the master of altered projects and this one is no exception! She created her own version of a train for her niece’s party, filled with so many techniques and unqiue ways to use Prima for this one-of-a-kind project. You need to see how this project unfolds, so miss the show!
Prima Products:
- Royal Menagerie Bicycle 12x12-847371
- Royal Menagerie Saltwater 12x12-847388
- Royal Menagerie Queen 12x12-847395
- Royal Menagerie Penny 12x12-847425
- Royal Menagerie flowers Diana-583384
- Royal Menagerie flowers Beatrix-583323
- Royal Menagerie flowers Elizabeth-583309
- Royal Menagerie flowers Anne-583316
- Royal Menagerie flowers Helena-583330
- Royal Menagerie wood icons-58250
- Metals for Plaque 10-583569
- Metals for Plaque 3-583088
- Metals for Plaque 5-583514
- Metals for Plaque 8-583545
- Metals for Plaque 9-583552
- Flower Lace Trim Magnolia-583026
- Antique Chain-990305
- Dresden Trim-942441
- Apothecary Vials-990619
- Apothecary Labels-991098
- Art Sugar White-961800
- Cold Pink MIca Powder-962869
- Iridescent Gold Mica-963552
- Silver MIcrobeads-962562
- Splash MIcro Beads-962630
- 3d Matte Gel-961398
- Relics n Artifacts Wings-941727
- Relics n Artifacts-941697
- Vincennes Pulls- 990343
- Glass Beads-990398
- Color Bloom Empress Gold-580315
- Color Bloom Iris-573744
- Color Bloom Frost-582890
- Color Bloom Soft Teal-573782
- Ingvild Bolme street signs-892173
- Junkyard findings-891626
- Clock hands-891589
- Clock faces-891596
- Baroque resin frames-892098
- Shutter resin-890698
- Door locks-892425
- Butterfly Resin-891992
- Heart Gears-891794
- Epiphany Wood Icons-576059
- something blue flowers-Flowers-573335
On Tuesday, Delaina created a gorgeous canvas for us on the show. She had a cool way to use up your leftover alphabets, add color and texture with ease and fun ways to cluster your embellishments too! See the show right here!
Join us for these fabulous classes twice a week-every Tuesday and Thursday! See our free shows right here on our Prima channel. And all of our recorded shows are on Youtube!
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That channel is just humming!!!
Posted by: Helen Tilbury | Sunday, September 20, 2015 at 04:12 PM